02 4393 6767

    Services For Children

    from Birth to 18 years

    Our Speech Pathologists and Speech Pathology Assistants are ready to assist children with:


    • ARTICULATION - pronunciation of speech sounds in single words

    • USING LANGUAGE/EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE- vocabulary and grammar in spoken sentences

    • UNDERSTANDING LANGUAGE/RECEPTIVE LANGUAGE - understanding concepts and following directions

    • STUTTERING - Repeating sounds and words when speaking

    • LITERACY - Spelling, reading, writing and early skills such as phonological awareness and sound/letter knowledge

    • SOCIAL COMMUNICATION - Initiating and maintaining conversations, connecting and engaging with others


    • FEEDING/MEALTIME - Chewing and swallowing, managing different food textures


    Early Years: Birth to 2 Years

    Toddlers and their parents/carers can be seen by a speech pathologist for an observation and education session. 

    Parents can ask questions, receive advice and reassurance and be provided with strategies to assist their child’s communication skills development.

    A speech pathology consultation can take place from as early as 9 months, for concerns about:


    • Lack of engagement, social smiling or paying attention to other people

    • Limited or no babbling - not copying others or making speech attempts

    • Not following simple instructions or appearing to have difficulties understanding words or sentences

    • Not producing first words by 18 months of age

    • Not having a range of words by 2 years (having less than 50 spoken words and not yet using 2 word phrases)


    • Overall areas of delay impacting speech and language skills


    3 - 5 Years



    • TALKING IN SENTENCES - expressive language skills

    • SPEECH SOUNDS - articulation skills

    • RESPONDING TO QUESTIONS - receptive and expressive language

    • UNDERSTANDING WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING - receptive language skills

    Services for Children with a Disability

    All Areas Speech Pathology is an

    NDIS registered provider

    We are also registered to provide

    speech pathology services under 

    MEDICARE care plans

    Download our Medicare and Early Intervention Information Sheet
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