02 4393 6767

    Services For Children of All Ages, from Birth to 18 years

    Our Speech Pathologists can assist children with:


    • ARTICULATION - The pronunciation of speech sounds in single words
    • USING LANGUAGE/EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE- vocabulary and grammar in spoken sentences
    • UNDERSTANDING LANGUAGE/RECEPTIVE LANGUAGE - understanding concepts and following directions
    • STUTTERING - Repeating sounds and words when speaking
    • LITERACY - Spelling, reading and writing
    • SOCIAL SKILLS- Initiating and maintaining conversations, making eye contact and connecting with others 
    • FEEDING/MEALTIME - Chewing and swallowing and managing different food textures


    Early Years 0 - 2 Years

    Toddlers and their parents/carers can be seen by a speech pathologist for an observation and education session. 

    Parents can ask questions, receive advice and reassurance and be provided with strategies to assist their child’s communication skills development.

    A speech pathology consultation can take place from as early as 9 months, for concerns about:


    • Lack of eye contact, social smiling or engagement with others
    • Limited or no babbling- not copying others or making speech attempts
    • Not following simple instructions or appearing to understand single, clear words
    • First words have not appeared by 18 months of age
    • Two year olds have less than 50 spoken words and are not attempting 2 word phrases
    • Raised concerns about delayed speech and language skills


    How Does a Speech Pathology Assist Babies and Toddlers? FLYER

    3 - 5 Years



    • TALKING IN SENTENCES - expressive language skills
    • SPEECH SOUNDS - articulation skills
    • TALKING IN SENTENCES - expressive language skills
    • UNDERSTANDING WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING - receptive language skills

    Services for Children with a Disability

    All Areas Speech Pathology is an NDIS registered provider

    We are also registered to provide speech pathology services under: 

    MEDICARE care plans

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