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    Danika Maher

    Ted Edwards • January 4, 2020

    Central Coast

    danika maher

    Danika is an Early Childhood Educator. She works in the Central Coast region. She supports families at the Blue Haven Community playgroup and spends time educating clients in Baby Sign and Key Word Sign.

    Danika completed her degree in Early Childhood Education and utilises these skills in her role as a Speech Pathology Assistant and presenter. Danika is passionate about early language and is motivated to teach other educators so that we can more effectively understand and support children’s language development.

    jane beale
    By Ted Edwards January 5, 2020
    Director of All Areas Speech Pathology Speech Pathologist Jane works on the Central Coast. She teaches the Short Courses and leads the Key Word Signing Choir "Signed With Love"
    kirsty fonsdituri
    By Danika Maher January 4, 2020
    Kirsty is the Assistant Director at All Areas Speech Pathology.
    kylie corrigan
    By Ted Edwards January 2, 2020
    Kylie is our Business Manager, running the Administration, Finance and HR Teams. She is based at our Charmhaven Head Office. Kylie has had both professional and personal experience working with the NDIS.
    natalie rayner
    By Ted Edwards January 1, 2020
    Natalie is a Senior Speech Pathologist. Natalie works in the Central Coast and Lake Macquarie regions. She spends the majority of her days visiting children within their school, preschool and home environments, providing a holistic speech pathology service.
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